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Our Impact

"EnableMe – a scalable approach to provide support to thousands of people with disabilities"


by Dr.h.c. Walter Fust, former Ambassador and Head of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)

Every disability and chronic condition is unique and each person needs to find the solution which works best for his/her own circumstances. The EnableMe platform whether in Kenya, Ukraine, Switzerland or Germany offers its users the ability to solve life’s and employability challenges due to its unique combination of practical and digestible content, peer-support, expert advice and targeted services. 

Every day, EnableMe members and users are supported in key areas covering economic empowerment, social participation, personal growth, health and wellbeing.

Our Impact in numbers

Life quality for one billion people with disabilities worldwide. A society in which people with disabilities and chronic conditions are heard, active and represented in all areas.

We focus on key outcome levels:

  • Personal Growth
  • Financial Empowerment
  • Societal Participation
  • Health & Wellbeing

Our Work

To report our impact, we apply the IOOI logic used around the world: Input, Output, Outcome, Impact. This enables us to clearly highlight what we invest (input), what we create (output), the individual changes we promote within our target group (outcome) and the over social impact we want to achieve.

The EnableMe Foundation invests first and foremost in a high-performance team who will contribute experience and know-how to devise effective programs and build long-term partnerships.

(Click here to view our Impact Model)

Impact Stories from Our Community

«Thank you, they will deliver my 100 kg wheelchair from Ukraine to Germany for free!»
- Oleksandr, Ukraine

A Ukrainian refugee and volunteer, famous social worker Oleksandr applied to the EnableMe community for help – to deliver his special 100 kg electric wheelchair from Ukraine and Germany. Oleksandr has a complex form of disability and can use only this wheelchair, but he could not take it during the evacuation from Ukraine. Also, the price of such shipping is enormous now because of the war,  and Oleksandr now has very low income.

  1. EnableMe Ukraine volunteers contacted many Ukrainian volunteers and delivery services which can ship the wheelchair

  2. EnableMe provided him with the contacts in Ukraine who can deliver the wheelchair for free.

«In the community, everyone can take something for themselves, because there are many affected users who pass on their experiences here or ask for some help themselves. Then there is helpful information from other users and/or tips from the experts and moderators of the forum. EnableMe is a great platform where you can meet all kinds of people with and without disabilities in a community. Inclusion is lived here.»
 - Domino, Germany

«Thanks for your story really inspiring. Am sure when she grows up she'll get to appreciate you in a big way for standing out for her.»
- Wilie, Kenya


«The peer exchange makes me believe that everything will be okay.»
 –  Tanja, Switzerland

Tanja suffers from chronic seizures. When she found out that she will be forever reliant on a wheelchair, her life is turned upside down. She is shrouded by despair and is desperate to hear from others in a similar situation.

As part of the peer program, she reaches out to Sarina: the beginning of a priceless interaction that provided Tanja with the social support, assurance, and guidance she needed to help her through this turbulent time." 

«Really useful information. I found several skills on how to fix my condition. Thank you very much! And for support, and for quick response»
 - Inna, Irpin (Ukraine)

A Ukrainian woman Inna suffered from war in Ukraine as her city was occupied and destroyed by the Russian army, Inna applied to EnableMe Ukraine for the friendly advice and support. She could not control her emotions and was lost in her reality. 

1. EnableMe Ukraine volunteers welcomed Inna warmly and shared important contacts where she could receive help urgently and for free. 

2. Volunteers found an expert psychologist for Inna who provided professional help to her.

3. Volunteers provided Inna with articles on PTSD, depression and other useful information about psychic and mental health, which she found especially helpful.

«Good evening, many many thanks this is very informative»
- Anonymous, France


Partner Countries Highlights: 

Ukraine 🇺🇦

EnableMe Ukraine launched in April 2022, in response to the war in Ukraine.

To date, EnableMe Ukraine has seen a >30x growth in number of users already in 2023, with more than 400,000 monthly unique users. Currently, we have more than 1,000+ registered community members and have formed strong partnerships with some of Ukraine's biggest media companies and the National Assembly of people with disabilities of Ukraine to share inspirational stories of Ukrainians with disabilities.


Kenya 🇰🇪

EnableMe Kenya has recently been honoured with two awards, firstly at the InAble Inclusive Africe Conference by the National Diversity and inclusion awards for their innovative approach to digital accessibility, and secondly for a Zero Project award at the international conference on disability and innovation, the award recognised EnableMe Kenya's groundbreaking work in the area of independent living, political participation, and ICT.  

In addition to these accomplishments, EnableMe Kenya also experienced remarkable growth in their platform's popularity. Over the course of the year, the number of visitors to the website increased significantly to more than 14’000 monthly unique users.

Switzerland 🇨🇭 

EnableMe Switzerland launched the "EnableMe Jobs" project, the largest job platform for people with disabilities in Switzerland. In collaboration with MyAbility, the market leader for job offers for people with disabilities in Austria and Germany. The digital journey of knowledge, exchange and jobs is not only a great benefit for people with disabilities, but also for companies that want to promote inclusion in the labour market and receive professional support in doing so. 


We have also seen significant growth in our other projects, in Switzerland alone we help (measurably) more than 30,000 people per month.

Germany 🇩🇪

EnableMe Germany has seen tremendous growth in usage of their inclusion services. In Germany alone EnableMe helps an average of 140,000 people (measurably) per month. It also offers numerous digital inclusion services such as SafeSpace, Insights, Job portal, Alltagspioniere and other ones. 

Discover the full range of our impact programes by exploring our partner pages! 

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  • Peer Exchange
  • Youth Help Exchange
  • Talent Access
  • Mentoring
  • Monthly online & offline events